
Auto Transport “Free Auto Transport Quotes”

Free Shipping quotes:

When looking for auto transport, a popular search will result in many sites offering free shipping quotes or free transport quotes. These quotes are based on different national auto transport rates that include many variables. These variables can be the time of year (season), size of vehicle, location of origin and destination, etc. Also, how the rate is calculated depends on whom it is coming from, and the majority of free online quotes are from auto transport brokers. This means the transport quote will include a broker’s fee.

Free shipping quotes are a way to lure in prospective transport jobs. It attracts curious shoppers to auto shippers’ services. As mentioned before, these quotes will vary depending on many variables. However, the biggest factor to getting good service is how much the actual transport truck is getting paid. The total transport rate minus the auto transport brokers fee will determine the transport trucks total pay for the job. A higher paying rate to the transport truck will result in better and quicker service. Also, the truck driver determines the quality of the transport service.

Today, the vehicle transport industry has evolved to the point that your free transport quote may be sold as an auto transport lead, also known as a “Hot Lead”. Once you place your free quote request for auto transport, your info may be posted on an online lead board. Brokers looking on these lead boards will receive your request based on how much money they have paid for the “lead”. The more money they pay per lead means the less competition they will have competing for the transport lead. You will receive phone calls from up to a dozen or more auto transport broker companies. They will tell you about their service and try to get your business. Whichever auto shipper you choose, the process will work the same. Any further questions or concerns about how the “process” works, you can read our previous articles “How Auto Transport Works” and “Problems and Solutions”.

To insure a good auto shipping experience, always do your research so that you feel confident and secure about your decision. There are many Transport Review sites that post feedback on all auto transport brokers. Almost every broker will have a couple negative feedback stories. Typically, most people choose the auto shipper with the lowest amount of negative feedback. However, this is not always the best way to make a good decision. You need to remember that when using an auto transport broker, there will be two parties involved. Most of the time auto brokers receive bad feedback when they make promises that they cannot keep. You must realize the truck driver/transport company has their own agenda so the broker has little to no control. With that being said, if you want to help insure the quality of your service, you can ask how much the actual transport truck will be paid for moving your vehicle. Because as previously stated, a higher paying rate to the transport truck usually results in better and quicker service.